Cloud Services & Consulting and ML solutions

Serverless Solutions


Scalable and cost-effective, our tailored serverless solutions excel

Serverless computing liberates you from the hassle of directly provisioning or handling servers. This innovative model empowers you to construct applications that are effortlessly scalable, cost-efficient, and reliably available, all without the overhead of managing servers.

Leveraging our expertise in AWS services and serverless architecture, we empower businesses. We optimize infrastructure for superior performance, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and innovation by harnessing the serverless technologies.

Redefine possibilities with RivTech serverless mastery! Choose unmatched expertise for scalable, cost-effective solutions in the cloud.

Our Serverless Solutions

We specialize in custom, scalable, and cost-effective serverless solutions.

Architecture Design

Crafting serverless architectures customized to your business needs, we create event-driven, scalable, and cost-effective systems utilizing AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, S3, and more serverless services.

Consultation & Strategy

Empowering your transition to serverless architectures, our expertise includes strategic guidance, system assessment, tailored adoption strategies, and roadmap creation for seamless migration.

Development & Implementation

Streamlining your serverless journey, our support spans application development and deployment, efficient code authoring, CI/CD pipeline setup, and implementation of best practices for security, scalability, and performance.

Optimization & Cost Reduction

Enhancing your serverless setup for peak performance, cost savings, and efficiency is our expertise. We analyze existing implementations, fine-tune code, optimize configurations, and leverage AWS cost management tools.

Training & Workshops

Empower your team with specialized training in serverless architectures, AWS services, best practices, and troubleshooting techniques. We conduct training sessions to upskill your team in serverless technologies.

Security & Compliance

We ensure that your serverless applications meet security standards and compliance requirements. By implementing robust security measures and protocols we guarantee that your data and applications are protected.

Troubleshooting & Support

Offering continuous support, monitoring, and troubleshooting for your serverless applications, ensuring seamless operation and prompt resolution of any arising issues is also part of our service.

Integration & Scalability

Integrate our serverless solutions seamlessly into your existing systems and ensure scalable operations to meet your growing needs with our expert assistance.

Scale Effortlessly, Save Costs, Stay Agile

Redefine Possibilities with RivTech Serverless Solutions!

Run your code, manage your data, and integrate your applications, all without managing servers

Empowering your business to harness the power of serverless technologies, we optimize your infrastructure for improved performance, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and innovation.

Schedule a risk-free 15-minute call to discover potential savings immediately.

We leverage range of AWS serverless services and strategies

AWS Lambda

With AWS Lambda, you can execute code without the hassle of provisioning or managing servers. It’s event-driven, automatically scaling and running code in response to different triggers.

API Gateway

This service enables you to create, publish, monitor, and secure APIs. It integrates well with Lambda, allowing for the creation of serverless API backends.

Amazon S3

S3 provides you with serverless storage for static files and can initiate events when files are uploaded, although it’s not entirely a serverless service.

Amazon DynamoDB

You get seamless integration with Lambda and access to scalable, high-performance storage through this fully managed NoSQL database service.

AWS Amplify

It is a collection of tools and services designed to help you construct secure, scalable mobile and web applications. It seamlessly integrates with various AWS services, enhancing your backend functionalities.

AWS Step Functions

You can coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows, allowing you to create intricate workflows without the burden of managing infrastructure.

AWS Fargate

Fargate allows you to run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure. It works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

AWS AppSync

Utilize this managed service that employs GraphQL, making it effortless for your applications to get exactly the data they need and allowing real-time updates.

Event-Driven Architectures

Leveraging services like S3, DynamoDB, SNS, and more to create event-driven architectures where actions trigger serverless functions.

Amazon Kinesis

You can access managed services with Amazon Kinesis, facilitating data streaming at any scale, encompassing data ingestion, processing, and analytics.


You can utilize AWS SAM, an open-source framework for building serverless applications, simplifying the process of defining resources and their relationships.

AWS CloudFormation

This service provides a common language for you to model and provision AWS and third-party application resources in your cloud environment.

Unlock the potential of serverless architectures

To unleash the potential of serverless architectures for your organization, we conduct a thorough analysis of your current application landscape. We identify components ripe for transformation into serverless applications, leveraging a microservices architecture.

Serverless services that best fit your current landscape

At RivTech, we will select the serverless and microservices components that best fit your current landscape to ensure your application delivery is performant, scalable, cost-efficient and resilient.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to learn more about how RivTech can help your business.

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We look forward to working with you


Find us at the office

SASU RivTech

66 Av Des Champs Elysees

75008 Paris


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