Cloud Services & Consulting and ML solutions

Cost Optimisation


Our solutions are designed to reduce costs while enhancing performance

Cost optimisation is crucial to minimize expenses while maximizing resource efficiency within the cloud infrastructure as the flexibility offered by cloud services often leads to overspending on unused or oversized resources.

By conducting a comprehensive review of your cloud expenditure, we provide a clear overview and assist in devising a cost optimisation strategy to ensure long-term cost-effectiveness for your business.

By setting up cost alerts we make sure that your budgets and targets are met. We provide you with a detailed list of cost optimisation recommendations along with the tools to maintain cost efficiency that will allow your business to thrive and you will not have to worry about a big administrative overhead anymore.

cloud cost optimisation

Here's a breakdown of the actions we'll take to optimize your AWS cloud costs

Schedule a risk-free, complimentary 15-minute call. 
We’ll swiftly assess your workload without accessing your account and give you an estimate of potential savings.

Right-size the AWS Resources

Ensure that your resources such as EC2 instances, databases, etc. are appropriately sized to match your actual usage. We assist you in downsizing or upgrading instances based on their performance requirements to reduce costs.
Leverage Reserved & Spot instances and discover Saving Plans. We aid in securing RIs for predictable workloads and Spot Instances for flexible workloads. Additionally, we provide guidance and support in obtaining savings plans for optimized cost management.

Assist with purchase of Reserved and Spot Instances or Savings Plans

Recommend setting up timed schedules for starting and stopping AWS instances

Your instances don’t need to run 24/7? We assist with scheduling on/off times for AWS instances that involves setting up a system to automate the starting and stopping of your instances based on predefined schedules.
Scale up EC2 instances during peak times and scale down during low usage to further optimize costs! We assist in setting up Auto Scaling for your system that automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances based on demand.

Implement the Auto Scaling

Review unattached Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes

Ever wondered why your AWS bill is high despite having few active resources? These could be unattached EBS volumes that despite being detached from instances still accumulate charges. We identify and manage these unattached volumes, effectively optimizing your spending on AWS.
Your AWS bill is still high? Let’s look at snapshots that serve as backups for EBS volumes and tend to accumulate over time, potentially inflating your storage costs. We assist in reviewing obsolete snapshots for cost optimization on AWS.

Review and clean up outdated snapshots

Identify and manage unattached Elastic IPs

Identify and manage unattached Elastic IP addresses to prevent unnecessary costs. We provide support in reviewing unattached EIP addresses that can accumulate charges when not linked to active running instances.
Struggling to review the security groups in your AWS account? We help you manage outdated security groups as pivotal for both cost optimization and maintaining a robust security posture on AWS.

Identify and manage outdated security groups

Optimise your AWS Storage

Your AWS storage costs keep increasing? Let us assist you in selecting the appropriate storage class, such as S3 Standard, S3 Infrequent Access, or Glacier, depending on data access frequency. We also implement lifecycle policies that transition data to more cost-effective storage tiers as it ages, ensuring optimized storage costs over time.
If you look into reducing egress charges and optimizing overall data transfer expenses within the AWS ecosystem we are here to help you strategically manage data transfer by utilizing VPC endpoints for internal communications with AWS services and effectively controlling NAT gateway usage.

Review and optimise data transfer costs

Recommend use of suitable

Leverage serverless offerings such as AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and similar services that enable payment solely for resources utilized during execution. We help you steer clear of the constant provisioning and upkeep of servers.
Furthermore, we show you how to leverage AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and AWS Trusted Advisor to monitor and analyse your usage patterns to always keep an eye on your cloud spending.

Introduce to Monitoring and Optimization Tools

Introduce to Cost Allocation Tags

Implement tags to categorize resources and track costs by different criteria such as departments, projects, or environments. We can help you do that for better cost allocation and control.
cloud cost optimisation

Take control of your cloud usage with customised strategies and optimize cost of your cloud services

There’s a high chance you’re overpaying for your infrastructure. Therefore, let us us carefully analyse your entire infrastructure, highlight cost-saving opportunities, and offer improvement suggestions.

Schedule a risk-free 15-minute call to discover potential savings immediately.

Uncertain about the need to optimize your cloud spending?

Explore the advantages of cost optimization

Benefits of cost optimisation

Reduced Expenses

Lower your overall spending by efficiently using resources and selecting cost-effective services.

Improved Performance

Allocate and utilize better your resources to enhance performance and responsiveness of applications.

Financial Visibility

Gain better visibility into spending patterns, enabling improved budgeting and forecasting capabilities.


Optimize your resources to enable scaling operations as needed without unnecessary expenses and ensuring flexibility.

Resource Efficiency

Maximize resource efficiency by ensuring that only necessary resources are utilized, minimizing waste.

Enhanced ROI

Eliminate unnecessary costs to improve your businesses Return on Investment (ROI) from the AWS usage.

Better Planning

Make informed decisions about resource provisioning and usage, based on your actual requirements and data.

Security and Compliance

Cost optimization strategies often involve refining security practices and ensuring compliance, enhancing overall stability.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to learn more about how RivTech can help your business optimize cloud spending.

Don't forget to book you Free 15 minutes consultation

We look forward to working with you


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SASU RivTech

66 Av Des Champs Elysees

75008 Paris


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